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There are many destinations for your contribution:


Your donation to "Sustain PD" does just that. This is an opportunity to raise funds that will benefit the work of the association. Funds could be designated to needs and priorities identified by the CEO and Board of Directors. This could include, but is not limited to, the following:

- Added office capacity
- Creating "seats at the table" through sponsorship of local events
- Enhancements to Member Programming
- Scholarships to expand accessibility around joining PD
- Innovative programming opportunities
- Added member benefits

Sponsorship opportunities for member programs also exist for contributions of $500 or more! Contact the PD Office 

Professional Dimensions is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization and contribution is NOT tax deductible.
PD EIN: 39-1306562

To give, simply indicate your preference on the form below. Please note that you'll have to refresh and complete a new form with every gift.


The Professional Dimensions Charitable Fund supports organizations and initiatives in the Milwaukee area working to increase the self-sufficiency of women and girls.  With your donation, you join other “powerful philanthropists ” - PD members, donors, and corporations - who’s pooled resources make a powerful impact in our community.

Your donation to the Charitable Fund helps us to support our Signature Project commitment of $100,000 to the Sherman Phoenix Women and Moms Entrepreneurship Project.  In addition to fulfilling our commitment, the Charitable Fund also has the ability to designate dollars to other causes and efforts that uplift women and girls.

Within the Charitable Fund, you also have the option of giving to the Legacy Fund, a donor advised fund of the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. This is a fund often used for planned gifts or lifetime gifts which enables members to pool resources to make a substantial gift to advance women and girls in our community. 

Our goal is that each member gives as generously as possible.  Our hope is that members strive to give a minimum of $250 annually to our Charitable Fund.  One of our values is meaningful action and your generous donation joins with others to show the powerful impact philanthropy has on our community.

We are grateful for your commitment to the Professional Dimensions Charitable Fund. 

Professional Dimensions Charitable Fund is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization and your gift is tax deductible.
PDCF EIN: 39-1519899


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*Amount ($USD)
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*List name on website?
Employer Match?


(414) 374-3570
759 North Milwaukee Street, Suite 404
Milwaukee, WI 53202


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