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Professional Dimensions is the leading women’s professional association in the Milwaukee area whose mission is to unite women leaders in the relentless pursuit of better. We create opportunities for our members to network, collaborate, learn and lead, inspiring women to reach for more in all aspects of their lives. Our organization is intentionally inclusive across career experiences and personal identities, maximizing our ability to innovate and elevate those around us. Professional Dimensions challenges leaders to blaze trails in their companies and communities. Our driving ambition is to expand what is possible for women and the world they influence.


To unite women leaders in the pursuit of better


To expand what is possible for women and the world they influence 


Professional Dimensions ignites every dimensions of a woman leader by cultivating: 

  • Authentic Relationships
  • Intentional Inclusion
  • Fearless Leadership
  • Meaningful Action
  • Continuous Learning 

PD remains the most diverse space where women can: 

  • Expand their network with inclusivity & authenticity,
  • Advance women through collective philanthropy, mentorship and issues' education, and
  • Develop personally and professionally as conscious, system-leaders.

"follow the rings"  

The four rings were originally created to represent our four tenets: Leadership, Networking, Diversity and Community. In 2019, we adopted a set of values that would guide our execution of the tenets, and our rings have evolved to reflect those first four (aforementioned) values. The final value, continuous learning, is represented  by the continuity and interlacing of the rings  themselves. Through learning continuously and  collectively we will continue to evolve in our leadership and execution of our mission.

We want our members and community to embrace the motto "follow the rings", #followtherings. Its meaning is two-fold:

(1) A message to our members - follow the rings means follow the values. Collaborative, systems work is difficult. When you're stuck, unsure, or losing focus, this serves as a reminder that we have principles and values to serve as our north star. This applies to our leadership and service with Professional Dimensions, and every space we exist.

(2) A message to community - follow the rings means follow PD women. PD women are different. We're bold, courageous individuals who think about systems and community in innovative and inclusive ways. We want to be learners and we want to leverage our collective power and privileges to build a better region and nation. We are accountable and loving - and we aspire to lead by example. Following the rings (our values) and following PD women (our leaders) is how to cultivate positive change. And while you're here, go ahead and follow us on social media @pdwomen... #followtherings. We want this hashtag to live alongside photos and stories that capture our achievements - so when you see a PD woman leading on social sites, we encourage you to add this hashtag to the comments!

"Professional Dimensions"

The name Professional Dimensions is representative of our belief about the beautiful complexity of the woman archetype we aspire too, and the way we choose to show up in our work together - as professionals, always. At its inception, the group was intentionally inclusive of a variety of women, and saw value in the depth and myriad of identities that made each member unique. Our dimensions, an amalgamation of everything we’ve lived, experienced, created, survived, etc. make us who we are as individuals, and who we are as threads in the larger tapestry that is Professional Dimensions. This includes a variety of aspects or attributes that frame our lives and career, such as our skills, experience, education, achievements, reputation, network, and so on. And, we’d posit that it is the understanding and maximizing of these dimensions that gives us power. Our dimensions are the identities we carry and PD believes that all of these identities deserve to be acknowledged and nourished. We believe that the better we understand our dimensions, the better we can leverage them in our collective pursuit of better.

In a broader sense, "professional dimensions" can also refer to the various factors that influence and shape the professional world, such as economic trends, technological advancements, cultural norms, legal regulations, and social dynamics. Understanding and navigating these dimensions can be crucial for success in every profession and career.

This also impacts the way we define Professional.

We selected and maintained “Professional” in our name for two important reasons:

(1) To cement our belief in how we should treat each other. We want a culture of professionalism where we are addressing every member with dignity, respect and love. 

(2) We are putting a stake in the ground about our belief that a professional woman is multi-dimensional. And, that while the word professional has been used to hold women back, the definition of professional/ professionalism needs to be expanded. 

It IS professional to advocate for yourself as a woman, to prioritize the agenda of women peers, to allow emotion to guide decision making, to show up with clothing and hair that affirms your culture, to connect with a prospective mentor to discuss business AND personal balance. These are all professional BECAUSE these dimensions of women must be considered. As we work to grow this understanding in our work and home lives, PD will always be a space where a woman is embraced as a professional and elevated because of, not in spite of, her professional dimensions.

How We Deliver

  • We offer support & development opportunities for lifelong learning
  • We complement employer programs to accelerate growth and advancement 
  • As a member-run organization, we provide opportunities for hands-on leadership experience
  • We facilitate one-on-one connections to mentor, support and sponsor each other
  • Our programming is designed for every stage of a woman's career 
  • We ignite the collective power of women
  • We harness our network to increase the visibility of our members and advance other's careers
  • Our charitable fund donates $100,000 biennially to a local organization to advance the self-sufficiency of women and girls 
  • We shine a light on exemplary women leaders 
  • We have recognized the achievements of 80 women to-date with the esteemed Sacagawea Award
  • We champion our members and their successes externally
  • We identify talent and bring it to the forefront 
  • We are one of the most diverse professional organizations in Milwaukee
  • We are inclusive of business, non-profit, academic, government and entrepreneur leaders, representing over 300 companies in more than 30 industries
  • 20% of our members are women of color
  • More than 1/3 of our board seats are held by women of color
  • Our membership spans four generations, from Millennials to The Silent Generation 
  • We challenge leaders to tackle difficult topics
  • We host small group conversations on race and racism
  • Our meetings and events feature topics such as immigration, sex trafficking and domestic violence
  • Through our Ideation Summit, we advocate for inclusivity as a requirement for effective leadership
  • We create spaces for women to be their whole & authentic selves
  • We offer a wide range of special interest groups to connect women leaders with shared passions
  • Our unique culture fosters camaraderie, laughter and a break from the pressures of everyday life

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